Date set up: 2022-02-17
Owner: NMJW
Host: EBGK
Contact for enquiries: [email protected]
Since you're likely viewing this on a web browser, it's almost certainly a website.
Whether it's a blog or not, I'll need to consult Google for that.
At the time I wrote this page, the website was being regularly updated, it's run by me (an individual), and it's certainly not in a formal style.
So yes, I suppose this is a blog.
I thought it would be a bit of fun to set up and run a website.
The decision to buy the domain from cloudflare was a bit of a spur-of-the-moment impulse buy.
I suppose I felt I wanted somewhere to make a few cheap and corny jokes on the internet,
and also somewhere to host a few tables and charts of messages from a discord server.
Perhaps by the time you're reading this, I will finally have gotten around to setting that up.
What even is a blogging accident?
I know the term most notably appeared here,
But other than that I don't think there's such a thing as a blogging accident.
This isn't a very interesting question, but I'm going to have to answer it as my discord inbox is getting a little overwhelmed.
I've already told someone else about this service, but what you need to understand is this:
It's not a topic that comes up naturally in conversation.
However, I am going to say yes, I would recommend my hosting provider.
Partly because it's a (relatively) reliable service, and is free, which is a plus.
But mostly because if I don't then the website might get taken down by a disgruntled Server Admin.
I can't help but feel this isn't at all relevant to the website.
However, the target I set of adding something to the website every free day means I am slightly starved of new content.
So I suppose I'll have to answer this because there aren't any more relevant questions to answer.
After looking at the Wikipedia page for this topic, I conclude the following:
If you define 'failure' as 'losing the war', then yes, it was a failure.
If you define 'failure' as 'endangering American troops unnecessarily', then his gradual shift to slowly withdrawing US forces was not a failure.
That's the most in-depth analysis I'm going to provide to avoid this website becoming overly politically charged.
If you have any more questions, then by all means send them to me. I will make an effort to answer reasonable questions.
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